Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Royal Tattoos

It's hard to escape the Royal wedding of Kate and Will

It hasn't even occurred yet already the fanatics are getting Tattoos

I for one will simply enjoy the day off

First up a tattoo on a man who supposedly doesn't particularly even like the royal family

Yes...  those are tattoos on his teeth...  I didn't even know these existed

supposedly it cost £1000


Sunday, 17 April 2011

Bonus Films

I may not be posting for a while, so here's another film post.

2 easy ones and 2 moderately hard ones 

Answers after the jump

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Guess the films!

Lets see how you do

This one should be easy

If anyone actually recognises this I will be amazed


Older more infamous classic

So?  how did you  do?  too hard or too easy?

4 of these films everyone should have heard of


Friday, 15 April 2011

Pretty damn awesome

Some more slices of awesomeness

Dali style At-Ats?  Awesome

Scott Pilgrim and Mario? Awesome

some nice and stylish origami

Happy cactus is happy.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The importance of spelling and grammar

Clearly English lessons are lost on some people

God?  fuck god, I'm going to judge that you're a moron.

Oh god...   spelling tragedy indeed.

If she honestly wanted it to say 'picnic table' she is fucking awesome.

I'd eat off it anytime.

Maybe Death lives in my mine?

Monday, 11 April 2011


The constant stream of unicorn Tattoos never stops

Taste the rainbow.  Or don't, no serously don't.

Sunday, 10 April 2011


ok, how... round. human tic tac toe? 

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Guess the films!

Well It's been a week, so time for another instalment I think 

This time shall be quite alot harder:

Did you work them out?  If you've never heard of these films I may let you off
but two of these are from classics

Answers after the jump!

Friday, 8 April 2011

Quick Post

This girl clearly needs to go work at hooters

This tattoo looks quite well done I have to say, nice detail.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

More Pokémon 2


YAY MEW!   best, pokemon sound EVAR

4 more after the jump!!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Free advertising

Check out more absolute tools here

Why you'd love a brand so much you brand yourself with it I don't know, 
but a lot of people seem to do it.

For some reason drink tattoos are quite popular especially energy drinks...
I think it represents that this person is pretty fucking hyper 

hahaha just no.  stop it.

ok we all like google but...  maybe a little too far

erm...  I hope he's a Dell employee or his life was saved by a laptop

besides being a pretty faint tattoo, you just know this guy is going to bore you to death talking about cars, while showing you photos of his 'baby', at least it's a useful warning sign.

more people need these clearly

Monday, 4 April 2011


A beautiful film although not an amazing story, but people seem to have fallen in love with these blue people.
 (I prefer Smurfs personally)

Here are some Avatar Tattoos

4 more after the jump

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Nostalgia time for me

Recently I've discovered the joys of Dosbox and am now reliving my love for Command and Conquer
and C&C: red alert

anyone else remember the first ones?

Amusingly I couldn't find any GDI tattoos

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Guess the films!

I'll keep this first time fairly easy

Answers after the jump!